Because of the rapid advancement of technology, multimedia is now being used in English classrooms to help students enhance their language skills. The current study intended to investigate the impact of Infographics on vocabulary retention in EFL adolescent learners. A pretest was given to both groups at the start of the treatment period, and the participants subsequently attended 6 sessions. During these sessions, the experimental group (EG) was taught using Infographics, whereas the control group (CG) was taught using traditional methods. The posttest and delayed posttest were used to assess the student’s vocabulary acquisition and retention. The results showed that the EG greatly outperformed the CG in the posttest and delayed posttest. As a result, the Infographics showed to be more successful in helping these learners acquire English vocabulary. The findings may have ramifications for instructors since they improve their grasp of using technology in general, and Infographics in particular, and lead to more successful teaching methods.